Primary Goals of PCI DSS

There are six main goals for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to be implemented by all entities that involved in the card payment process.

1. Build and Maintain a Secure Network
2. Protect Cardholder Data
3. Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
4. Implement Strong Access Control Measures
5. Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
6. Maintain an Information Security Policy

To achieve all of the six goals stated above, the related requirements must be achieved. For example, one of the requirements to build and maintain a secure network is prevent the using of vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters. By following the steps in setting up the environment for card payment process, security of the card payment system can be enhanced.

When customers’ interest is safeguarded, business owners are able to build a long term relationship with the customers. In addition, the organizations are able to mitigate the risk from being compromised by the cyber security attacks if the organizations are fully comply with PCI DSS.

To know more about PCI DSS and how it contributes to your business’s growth. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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